How To See Hidden WhatsApp Status

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✎ Quick Answer:

  • To view a blocked WhatsApp status, activate your new WhatsApp account and add the person to your contact list.
  • Navigate to the status section in your WhatsApp messenger, where it will be displayed.
  • If someone has blocked you, there are limited options for seeing their status.
  • You can attempt to unblock yourself or create a new ID to request the person to unblock you.

Mark from the WhatsApp team provided some insights on this matter. Let’s delve into his response.

According to Mark, if the person’s number isn’t saved in your phonebook, their status won’t be visible to you. However, based on my experience, you can view someone’s status after adding their number to your phonebook.

How To See Hidden Status On WhatsApp:

If you have any other mobile which is not known to that person use that now to create another WhatsApp with it.

1. Using Apps: MoChat

Steps to View Blocked WhatsApp Status:

Step 1: Install MoChat and clone WhatsApp on it.

Step 2: Register with a new mobile number.

Step 3: Access the ‘STATUS’ tab and view recent updates.

That’s all you need to do. Using this method, the person will be notified of who viewed their status and when.

Please Note: This method is effective if the person has excluded you from viewing their WhatsApp status. However, if the person shares their status with only a select few, you can view it by having your number added to the list.

2. WhatsApp Status Viewer: GBWhatsApp

If someone has blocked you for viewing their story on WhatsApp, it may surprise you to learn that an alternative app, such as GBWhatsApp, can function as a status viewer. This allows you to observe others’ statuses discreetly, even if you are blocked.

First, Download & Install: GBWhatsApp Apk

⭐️ Follow these steps:

  • Open GBWhatsApp and tap on ‘Hide View Status’ from the top icon.
  • Once this option is activated, you can view the WhatsApp statuses of others, even if you are blocked.

3. Participate in WhatsApp Groups

If you want to view the hidden status of a WhatsApp user, and they’ve posted it in a group, you can join the group to see it without their knowledge. However, this method may not be feasible if you’re not already a member of the group or if the user hasn’t shared a status update in a group.

4. Ask the Person Directly

The most ethical approach to viewing someone’s hidden WhatsApp status is to simply ask them directly. Clearly explain your interest in viewing their status and kindly request them to share it with you.

However, it’s important to consider the nature of your relationship with the person and whether they are comfortable sharing their status with you. If you don’t have a strong relationship or if they prefer to keep their status private, this method may not be effective.

5. Use a Different WhatsApp Account

You have the option to create a separate WhatsApp account using a new phone number and add the individual whose hidden status you wish to view. Upon adding them, you can observe their hidden status without their awareness. However, keep in mind that this method necessitates the use of a second phone number, and managing multiple accounts may be cumbersome.

6. Turn off Read Receipts

To discreetly view the hidden status of someone on WhatsApp without them knowing, you can disable read receipts in your WhatsApp settings. However, it’s important to note that this approach is effective only if the person hasn’t disabled their own read receipts.

7. Use a Screen Recorder

You can employ a screen recorder to capture the hidden status displayed on your phone screen discreetly, allowing you to save it without the person’s knowledge. However, this method entails having a screen recorder app installed on your device and initiating the screen recording while opening the status. It’s essential to perform this action while in flight mode to prevent notifications from alerting the person.

8. Use a Fake Profile

You have the option to generate a fake profile and add the individual whose hidden status you wish to view. Upon adding them, you can observe their hidden status without their knowledge. However, it’s essential for both parties to save each other’s numbers for this method to work effectively.

Step 1: Unblock the Person

The first step is to unblock the person whose status updates you wish to see. Navigate to Settings, then to Accounts, and then to “Privacy”. Scroll down and click on “Blocked contacts”. Select the person you blocked and choose “Unblock [number]”.

Step 2: Modify Settings for the Person Only

Next, customize the settings to make it appear as if the person is still blocked. Hide their last seen status by going to “Privacy”, then “Last seen”, and select “My contacts except…”. Choose the contact you unblocked. Similarly, hide your profile picture by clicking on Profile photo under Account, then “My contacts except…”, and select the contact.

Step 3: Wait for Their Status to be Visible

Patience is key as people do not always post status updates frequently. Wait for the person to post something. You’ll know when they do by opening the app and swiping to the “STATUS” section. Their name and profile photo will appear when they post.

Step 4: Turn on Airplane Mode & View the Status & Clear App Cache

Once their status update appears, turn off your internet and enable airplane mode on your phone. Now, you can view their WhatsApp status without their knowledge. Afterward, clear the app cache to ensure they never find out you saw their status.

Step 5: Block the Person Again and Turn off Airplane Mode

After viewing their status and clearing the data, block them again. Go to their chat, click on the three lines icon, then “More”, and select “Block”. Confirm blocking. Also, remember to turn off airplane mode.


In conclusion, accessing hidden WhatsApp statuses can be achieved through several methods, such as utilizing third-party apps, joining WhatsApp groups, creating fake profiles, or disabling read receipts.

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