SEO For Ecommerce Product Pages: 20 Do’s & Don’ts

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Ecommerce product pages are one of the most important pages for SEO. Product pages’ account for a large portion of site traffic and sales. However, optimizing individual product pages can be tricky as there are many dos and don’ts to keep in mind.

In this blog, we will discuss 20 important dos and don’ts for optimizing ecommerce product pages from an SEO perspective. Following these guidelines can help boost rankings and drive more traffic to product pages in search results.

  1. Include Targeted Keywords in Page Titles

The page title is one of the most important on-page SEO elements. It should include the main targeted keyword for the product along with the brand or product name.

For example, the title for a product page selling blue t-shirts could be:

“Blue T-Shirts for Men | Brand Name”

  1. Use Targeted Keywords in URL Slugs

The URL structure plays a big role in SEO. Product page URLs should contain the main keyword.

For example:

Instead of :

  1. Use Targeted Keywords in Headlines and Subheadings

Heading tags (H1, H2 etc.) are important for internal linking and layout. They should contain keywords appropriately.

For example:

<h1>Blue T-Shirts for Men</h1>

<h2>Features of our Blue T-Shirts</h2>

  1. Write Descriptive Product Copy

The product description meta description should be descriptive, compelling and contain target keywords. It plays a big role for SERPs and securing clicks.

  1. Use High-Quality, Keyword Optimized Product Images

Images help Google understand content and play a key role for visual searches. Optimize image filenames and ALT text with keywords. High-quality images boost user experience.

  1. Add Important Product Specifications

Important details like size, material, color etc. are crucial user intents. Address them to show expertise and build user trust. Use headings, lists etc. for better scan ability.

  1. Cross-Link to Related Products Internally

Internal linking helps Google understand page importance and topic authority. cross-link to similar/complementary products for a better user experience.

  1. Publish Fresh & Engaging Product Pages

Outdated content will not impress search engines. Publish fresh, engaging product pages regularly to establish authority over time.

  1. Structure Information For Scan ability

Use headings, bullet points, tables etc. to structure information for easier scanning on mobile. Well formatted pages’ boost user experience.

  1. Add Structured Data Like JSON-LD

Structured data helps search engines understand the main entity on the page and extract right information. Use appropriate structured data types.

  1. Optimized Page Speed For Fast Loading

Slow pages affect user experience negatively. optimize images, JavaScript, CSS etc. to load pages fast under 3 seconds for a seamless experience.

  1. Redirect Old Product URLs Permanently

If renaming products, ensure permanent redirects from old to new pages to pass link juice and ranking signals smoothly.

  1. Use Schema Markup For Ratings/Reviews

Add appropriate schema for reviews to make review, rating data accessible structured way for search engines like Google.

  1. Publish High Quality Product Reviews

Authentic reviews are assets for building trust & authority. Contact loyal customers for reviews to boost social signals & engagement.

  1. Include Related/Complementary Content

Suggesting related products can increase average order value and conversion rates. Cross-promote complementary items consumers might like.

  1. Keep Products In Stock For Better SEO

Out of stock pages don’t offer value. Monitor inventory to ensure high intent keywords & important products remain available.

  1. Track Traffic, Sales and Conversions

Monitor how your efforts impact critical metrics like traffic, CTRs, sales and conversions. Optimize further based on data.

  1. Update All Relevant Seller Listings

List products correctly across relevant online seller directories like Google Shopping/Images for more visibility and traffic opportunities.

  1. Publish Structured Products Data

Submit accurate product info in appropriate XML/CSV/JSON formats to shopping engines, PR platforms Google/Bing Merchant Center for more exposure.

  1. Optimized Checkout and Purchase Process

Ensure a seamless path from product page to purchase completion. address all usability pain points to boost conversions.

Some key benefits of optimizing ecommerce product pages through SEO:

  • Increased organic traffic and visibility in search results
  • Higher conversion rates and improved ROI
  • Stronger brand authority and recognition over time
  • Access to high intent long tail search queries
  • SEO helps product pages rank even without extensive linking

As you can see, optimizing individual product pages through on-page SEO and off-page linking is important for ecommerce success. Following the dos and don’ts mentioned can have significant long term impact on business goals.

Proper keyword research, technical SEO best practices, editorial best practices are crucial for long term product pages’ optimization. Consider hiring an experienced SEO company to handle product pages’ optimization and generate best results.

Business owners and startup companies should realize that SEO is extremely important for their websites and businesses. Optimizing product pages through SEO can help increase website traffic, awareness about the business and brand, and visibility on Google and other platforms. This will lead to more leads, sales, clients and growth for the business over time in a cost-effective manner. SEO is a must for every successful online business.

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People also ask:What are the benefits of optimizing product pages through SEO?
Optimizing product pages through SEO can help drive organic traffic from search engines. It boosts brand visibility and awareness over time. Properly optimized product pages’ result in higher conversion rates and more sales for ecommerce stores. SEO also helps rank specific product pages for long tail intent-based keywords.

How do I perform keyword research for product pages?
To identify the right keywords, research popular product-related queries on Google using keyword tools. Analyze search volumes, difficulty and competition. Pick 2-3 long tail keywords reflecting user intent for each product page. These should include the product name, category and important specifications.

What are the key on-page SEO elements for product pages?
The main on-page factors are optimized page titles, URLs, headings, meta descriptions, images, copy and internal linking. The content must be descriptive, authentic and helpful for users. Pages must be lightweight with fast load times. Proper use of structured data is also important.

How do I cross link product pages?
Cross link product pages by adding related/complementary products in the content using appropriate anchor text. Cross linking can also be done through footer/sidebar widgets. Make sure the cross links make sense to users and improve the browsing experience.

Should all specifications be included?
It’s not necessary to include all specifications. Prioritize important details like size, material, color which users frequently search for. Only add 2-3 key specifiers that define the product or answer common user questions.

How often should product pages be refreshed?
Aim to refresh important product pages at least every 3 months with fresh info, videos or reviews. For new or seasonal products, publish pages 1-2 months in advance. Outdated pages won’t rank or please users. Constant optimization keeps brands relevant.

How do I format structured data for products?
Use appropriate JSON-LD schema like Product, Offer etc. Reference technical guidelines to include critical data fields like images, prices, stock etc. in a machine-readable way. Test Structured data using the Structured Data Testing Tool.

Do all products need reviews?
It’s not necessary for every product to have reviews. Prioritize important flagship products or those with high search volumes. Ask genuine customers for well-written and helpful reviews occasionally to build trust and legitimacy.

Should products be available at all times?
Unless it’s a seasonal product, do your best to keep optimal/core products in stock at all times. Running out of stock can negatively impact rankings. If unavailable, consider removing the page or placing an ‘Out of Stock’ message to avoid misleading users.

Are there any technical SEO best practices?
Yes, pages must meet technical SEO requirements like using optimal page speeds (<=3s load time). Other Tech aspects are valid responsive code, eliminating errors, implementing HTTPS, optimizing images, minimizing JavaScript/CSS asset sizes etc. This enhances the user experience.

What is the importance of seller listings?
Listing products across major online shopping portals doubles the opportunities to reach relevant users and rank in regional search results. Many sales are directly attributed to optimized seller listings, so maintain them accurately.

Do reviews directly impact rankings?
While reviews themselves don’t impact rankings, they provide social signals which search engines may factor. More importantly, reviews build trust and provide social proof for your potential buyers. Both these elements can positively influence SEO performance over time.

How often should I analyze SEO performance?
It is recommended to track and evaluate SEO performance of product pages at least once a quarter. Monitoring critical metrics helps identify what’s working or not. Data-driven insights help refine optimization strategies ongoing for continual improvements.

How do I boost product page authority?
Build authority by publishing a mix of helpful products pages and relevant blogs/articles occasionally. Guest post with links pointing internally and get natural backlinks from respected authorities in your industry. Consistent branding and specialized content boost recognition over competitors.

Is securing backlinks necessary?
While not mandatory, relevant third-party backlinks are extremely helpful signals. Getting natural backlinks can take time. Focus first on providing genuine value through excellent localized service/information for your target customers. High-quality links tend to follow.

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