cPanel VPS Hosting Security

cPanel VPS Hosting Security: 10 Tips to keep your website safe

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In the digital age, website security is one of the main parameter to get checked. With the continuous cyber threats and malicious actors, safeguarding your website is crucial to protect. You can obtain the budget virtual server with a control panel to introduce the cPanel and host your sites, it’s an element-rich and instinctive managed vps hosting service. It includes your data, your users info, and your online reputation.

When it comes to hosting your website, Virtual Private Server with cPanel have become a popular choice. Because it’s flexibility and control, and DedicatedCore and DomainRacer have the best cPanel VPS hosting security. Getting affordable cPanel VPS hosting security is really mandatory and this article wil help you with all your doubts.

1.    Regular Update cPanel and OS

One of the most critical steps in maintaining a secure cPanel VPS is to ensure that both the cPanel software and the operating system are kept up to date.  Developers regularly release security patches and updates to address vulnerability.

By staying current with updates, you can prevent potential exploits that malicious actors may target.Check vps hosting highly redundant kvm virtualization server in uk for maximum 99.99% uptime and stability. To keep your cPanel VPS on DomainRacer and DedicatedCore secure, set up automated updates for cPanel and your operating system. ALways remember to regularly check for updates and apply them promptly to stay ahead of security threats.

2.    Strong Password Policies

Strong Password=Less Attacks. So, according to this a weak password can be an open invitation for attacks that’s why strong password is required. Encourage the use of complex, unique passwords that includes a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.

Always consider implementing two=factor authentication (2FA) as an additional layer of security. This will require users to provide a secondary verification code when logging in, making it much harder for unauthorized individuals to access your cPanel.

3.    Secure SSH Access

SSH is stands for Secure Shell is a common method for administrators to access and manage a VPS. To protect your DedicatedCore cPanel VPS, restricted SSH access to only trusted IP addresses. This way, only authorized users can connect via SSH.

Additionally, disable root login via SSH. Instead, create a separate user with administrative privileges, which will add an extra layer of security to your system. This user can use the “sudo” command to perform tasks that require root access.

4.    Implement a Firewall

Firewalls are the crucial parts of any top or any security strategy. To filter incoming and outgoing traffic you need to configure a firewall on your cPanel VPS. Consider using a firewall management tool, like ConfigServer Security and Firewall (CSF). IT is compatible with cPanel and provides an easy way to manage your cPanel access and protect your server from threats.

5.    Regular Backups

Data loss can be fatal for your website so set up regular backups of your cPanel VPS to ensure you can quickly recover in case of a security incident. DomainRacer and DedicatedCore, use most automated backup tools to create copies of your website, databases, and configuration files for the backup always. You can store the backups offsite on a separate server or cloud storage to ensure that they are safe from server-specific issues.

6.    SSL/TLS Encryption

“SSL” stands for Secure Socket Layer and “TLS” stands for Transport Layer Security. These encryption protocols are essential for safeguarding data. It is specially in transit between your website and its users.

Install an SSL/TLS certificate to enable HTTPS on your website. These encryptions not only secures the data transfer but also boosts your site’s credibility and search engine ranking. You can get SSL/TLS certificates for free through your cPanel VPS hosting providers.

7.    Limit cPanel Features

cPanel offers a wide range of features and services. These features are useful but also tends to security risks. Segregate your serviceds and features you need and disable or limit those that are not essential for your website’s operation. DomainRacer and DedicatedCore will helps to reduce the potential attack surface, making it more challeging for malcious actors to exploit vulerabilities.

8.    Monitor Server Logs

Monitoring server logs is vital for detecting and responding to suspecious activities. Regularly reviews your cPanel VPS logs to identify any unusal or unauthorized access attempts.

In this process automated log analysis tool can help by alerting you to anomalies and potential security threats.

9.    Use Security Plugins and Tools

cPanel has a variety of security plugins and tools that can enhance your server’s security. Consider installing security extensions like ModSecurity. DomainRacer and DedicatedCore provides web applications firewall protection, and ClamAV for email scanning and malware detection. These can possibly helps you to detect and block common security threats.

10. Educate Your Team

There always be a risk of security then doesn’t matter how your security is best. THat’s educate your team or any individuals with access to your cPanel VPS about security best practices. Ensure they are aware of the risk associate with their actions and are knowledgeable about how to respond to potential security incidents.


In a conclusion, we can say that securing your cPanel VPS hoting is a critical task along with your websites and it’s users. You can take that risk down or minimize that risk by using these above 10 tips.

I would say about my very personal experience DomainRacer and DedicatedCore has the best cPanel VPS hosting service with the secured tools. They helps to regulate your passwords, access control, backups, encryption and vigilant monitoring.

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