How Technology is Transforming Dental Care in 2024

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It’s 2024, and technological advancements are constantly making their way into the dental field. Breakthroughs and multiple techniques are being developed by the day, giving folks hope for better methods of caring for their dentition. Today’s article gives a brief but concise analysis of what’s new and how they’re transforming the dental space.

The introduction and advancement of technology in the dental field not only applies to the methods and techniques used in dental clinics like One Dental but also extends to home practices surrounding oral hygiene. That means that both dental procedures and oral practices are receiving a boost, helping you achieve peak oral health and a radiant smile to boast.

The Future of Dental Procedures

The first part of the developments surrounding dental procedures is the improvement of dental diagnostic measures. This aspect of dental care needs to go through constant improvements to keep up with the times. This increase in the level of dental diagnosis is highlighted in dental imaging and diagnostics.

With advancements in this field, dentists can do more and learn more about a patient’s oral health. For instance, tools like Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) have brought about a significant boost in the way dentists analyse and diagnose patients who come for a clinical check-up.

CBCT contributes to dental diagnostics by producing a 3D image of the teeth, gum, jaw, and surrounding features of the oral cavity. Thanks to this imaging process, dentists can learn more about the oral anatomy of any patient, which in turn helps provide more detailed and comprehensive information about the patient’s oral health.

In addition to terrific imaging technology, there are new developments in intraoral scanning. These developments help create better and more precise impressions of the patient’s dentition – a huge improvement from the manual and messy process being practised. The aim is to allow dentists to create better treatment plans.

As for dental procedures, they, too, have gotten their fair share of exciting improvements. Take, for instance, the use of 3D-printed dental implants and how they’ve transformed the way patients have their dentition fixed. Remember that dental implants aren’t the fastest to install, and you can end up with multiple long appointments.

However, the use of a 3D method for printing dental implants allows dentists to plan, create, and implement dental implants in quick succession. Dentists and dental patients benefit from this innovation thanks to reduced dental treatment duration and customer comfort and satisfaction.

Add laser dentistry, and you will have more methods to reduce pain and optimise comfort and treatment.

The Future of Home Oral Hygiene

As important as dental procedures and regular check-ups are, you still need to complement them with proper oral hygiene routines back at home. Technologies have also found their way into home oral hygiene practices. For instance, there are now smart toothbrushes with sensors that help keep track of your brushing habits.

Other smart appliances like tongue scrapers, oral irrigators, and water flossers are proof of just how far dental care has come.

Moving Closer to a New Dawn of Dental Care

Technological advancements have done more than enough to transform the dental space. And the best part is that there are more to come.

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